Dream Pup Academy
Does having a puppy feel like a draining, never-ending responsibility?
Life is busy, and puppies take time and so much energy. Do you ask yourself daily how such a cute bundle of fluff could bring so much chaos into your life? You want the best for your puppy, but how do you juggle it all?
Dream Pup Academy is the answer.
Our experienced trainers will do the heavy lifting; working on training, socialization, and tackling those pesky puppy problems like nipping, jumping, and creating a potty training schedule.
Our home atmosphere teaches your pup how to chill with all the benefits of a board and train program without missing the weekend puppy snuggles! Field trips to local parks and businesses help your pup build confidence in their prime socialization period!
Get on the fast track with Dream Pup Academy’s 3-week board and train program!
Get a Glimpse of Training & Socialization at Dream Pup Academy!
Add freedom to your schedule and peace of mind to your life.
Dream Pup Academy Curriculum
We’ve thought of everything! All the training, socialization, foundation skills - and fun - your puppy needs to grow into an amazing companion.
Here’s what’s included:
Obedience: Sit, Down, Come, Leave it, Focus
Foundation skills: Stay, Walking on Leash (no more tug-of-war on leash!)
Life skills: Drop-it, handling, settle, brushing, bathing, and pottying on cue
Socialization with people and dogs
The “NO’s”: NO bolting out the door, NO biting, NO jumping, NO barking in the kennel
Ready to get your puppy started?
Space is limited, don’t miss this opportunity to get your puppy on the fast track to being the dog of your dreams!
Choose your start date.
Fill out the registration form.
Your puppy’s fun begins!
What makes our program so unique and popular?
You get all the benefits of a board and train without missing your puppy during a long stay. We do focused training Monday through Thursday, then you take your puppy home for a fun and relaxing weekend. This 3-week program is the perfect time frame to produce longstanding training results.
All-Inclusive Training Program
Allow our trainers to do the heavy lifting! Your pup will spend their day learning to play appropriately with other dogs, developing manners and becoming valedictorian of their obedience class! We create a confident dog by laying concrete groundwork in obedience and life skills.
Every week includes a hands-on skill session with your trainer to review skills your puppy has learned, get tips and answers to any questions.
Get your week back!
All of this learning takes place during your busy week. Reunite with your puppy Thursday evening for a group training session to showcase your pups new skills. Then spend Friday through Sunday enjoying time bonding with your pup. Friday will likely be a relaxing day as your pup recharges from the busy week, and then you’ll both be ready for adventures on the weekend.
The details:
8 to 20 weeks of age at start of program.
Convenient drop off appointment Monday morning between 7:30-8:30am
Puppies learn, play and sleep with us Monday through Thursday for 3 consecutive weeks.
Daily photos for bragging rights with friends, family and coworkers!
Pick up Thursday evening at 3:30 or 4:00pm in Alto (evening appointments available for additional fee)
30 minute Family Skills Session to learn how to use your puppies new skills!
Three transfer sessions included for seamless continuation of puppy manners at home
Includes enrollment in our online community chock-full of videos and exercises to improve behavior at home.
Ongoing support with weekly online office hours to answer all your questions!
Space is limited, apply today!
Veterinary physical exam and started on age appropriate vaccines at least 7 days prior to start of program including:
Two Distemper vaccines administered.
First can be administered by breeder.
Second must be given by your local vet.
Rabies, Bordetella, Influenza and Lepto vaccines not required at enrollment date.
The above vaccines will need to be given at appropriate ages, as directed by your vet.
Negative fecal examination or completed treatment for intestinal parasites.
Because space fills quickly, we encourage you to enroll your pup before bringing them home from the breeder or rescue!
Alto, MI (84th Street and Morse Lake Ave SE)
Located 10 miles south of Cascade, our Alto facility includes a 6,000 sq foot outdoor play area where your pup can stretch their legs and romp with friends. We also utilize our indoor training area, grooming space and on-site home to foster calm behavior across environments. Pups will also join us on field trips to local parks and dog-friendly businesses. Training in a variety of locations strengthens understanding and general socialization.
Boost your pup’s training, play skills and house-manners by signing up today!
All Inclusive Academy
Training & Socialization
Each pup will receive multiple small-burst training sessions throughout the day. Training takes place in our indoor training area, during play groups and on field trips. Training puppies takes finesse and patience. We work with your pup’s attention span to make the most out of the focus they have. Small-burst training Monday through Thursday keep sessions light, fun and successful!
Boarding & Daycare
Drop your pup off for school Monday morning and let us worry about the rest! In addition to training, your pup will participate in daily playgroups, toy time and structured nap time so your pup can learn to love their kennel. Overnight is a breeze when your pup’s energy and enrichment needs have been met during the day!
Rest easy knowing we have a trainer on the property day and night. Pups get a late night potty break to foster success in overnight sleep training.
Thursday afternoon at the academy includes handling and grooming practice! Each pup will have their nails trimmed and receive a bath. This is not only great practice for future grooming but will ensure your pup is snuggle-ready when you pick them up!
Family Skills
Whether you live alone, with roommates or with kids, family consistency is important. Thursday evenings’ Family Skills session will teach you what your pup has been learning and how to apply those skills for a smooth and successful weekend. This group-class setting will allow you to work your pup through the distractions of other dogs and families.
Our 30-minute session is open to the entire family and requires weekly participation. If you are not available Thursday at 3:30 or 4pm to join us in Alto, later evening appointment slots may be available upon request.
Ongoing Support
Do you ever wish you had a trainer in your back pocket? Got a quick question and can only find conflicting information on the internet? Join us for weekly office hours Monday afternoon! We provide ongoing support to all our puppies through a year of age! Reaching out is quick, easy and reliable! Don’t let that puppy roller-coaster get you down, reach out for help before the small issues turn into a hair pulling problem!
Dream Pup Academy: $2,100
Monday through Thursday boarding, training and socialization for 3 consecutive weeks.
Weekly trainer access, email communication, photo updates and (3) transfer sessions.
Space is limited - get your puppy enrolled today!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a puppy under 5 months of age even be trained?
Absolutely! We use scientifically proven training methods (and a lot of patience) to teach puppies as young as 7 weeks of age. Positive reinforcement can and has be used to effectively teach any age and any species - including zoo animals, marine mammals and humans!
Will my puppy be fully trained at the end of 3 weeks?
In many ways, yes, but it’s important to understand that training is an ongoing process. As your puppy develops, learning will continue. Dream Dogs will lay the training foundation (we do the grunt work), teach the family how to navigate puppyhood (learn how to set the puppy up for success) and provide support along the road to adulthood (to problem solve along the way)! We will educate your family and support you as you navigate the puppyhood journey so you can truly enjoy your puppy again! Weekly training support is offered virtually until your pup reaches a year of age. We are only a click away!
What will my puppy learn at the Dream Pup Academy?
All pups will learn sit, down, come and leave it. Each pup will be introduced to loose leash walking (no more tug-of-war on leash!) and stay. Throughout their stay we will work on life skills such as waiting at the doorway, handling, settle and trade. General house manners will be instilled such as no-jump, no-bite and putting the potty break on cue.
How old does my puppy have to be to begin?
Puppies must meet these three requirements:
Lived in your home, illness free, for at least 10 days
Two (2) distemper vaccines administered 3-4 weeks apart (first often given by breeder)
Fecal analysis submitted to vet (either negative or finished treatment)
As long as these requirements are met, your pup can begin as young as 8 weeks old.
Should I wait until my pup is finished with vaccines to begin socialization?
Let’s look at what the experts have to say! The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (vets who specialize in behavior) made the following statement on socialization and vaccines:
The primary and most important time for puppy socialization is the first three months of life. During this time puppies should be exposed to as many new people, animals, stimuli and environments as can be achieved safely. For this reason, the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior believes that it should be the standard of care for puppies to receive such socialization before they are fully vaccinated.
Once our dogs reach full vaccination status at 16 weeks, the ideal socialization opportunity has closed. Dogs over 4 months can still be socialized but the process is much slower. The AVSAB also states:
In general, puppies can start puppy socialization classes as early as 7-8 weeks of age. Puppies should receive a minimum of one set of vaccines at least 7 days prior to the first class and a first deworming. They should be kept up-to-date on vaccines throughout the class.
Early socialization both inside and outside the home prevents many behavioral problems. Shelters are filled with dogs with behavioral problems and behavior is their leading cause for euthanasia.
Behavioral problems are the number one cause of relinquishment to shelters. Behavioral issues, not infectious diseases, are the number one cause of death for dogs under three years of age.
Above all else, discuss the risks of disease and your dog’s behavioral health with your veterinarian.
Source: American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, AVSAB Article
Which vaccines does my puppy need before registering?
Puppies need at least 2 Distemper (DHPP or DHLPP) vaccines. The first Distemper is often given by the breeder. The second vaccine will be given by your vet at the first puppy appointment. Puppies require updated vaccines every 3-4 weeks until they are around 16-20 weeks of age. Your vet will set up a schedule to update remaining vaccines based on the age, size and health of your puppy. Bordetella, Influenza, and Rabies vaccines should be given at age appropriate times and as recommended by the vet. For example, the Rabies vaccine cannot be given before 12 weeks of age.
Staying on the vet directed schedule is paramount. Some vets are booked several weeks out so we recommend making all the puppy vaccine appointments as soon as possible to ensure your puppy remains up to date.
Why does my puppy need a fecal analysis?
Even if your pup has already been dewormed, there is no one dewormer that covers everything. Bringing a stool sample to your vet allows them to check for intestinal parasites such as worms, coccidia and giardia.
Some of these intestinal parasites are transferrable to other dogs and some can even be picked up by humans! Yuck! Once your pup has had a negative stool sample or completed treatment, they are welcome to return to Playcare.